New Springville Jewish Center

Synagogue · Place of worship · Religious Organization
About Us
New Springville Jewish Center, Congregation Shaarei Simcha, is the original and premier Orthodox Synagogue serving New Springville/ Heartland Village and the surrounding neighborhood. The Shul is the only one in the area that continues to provide 3 minyanim or more daily, as it has for 35 years.
More than just a shul, NSJC is a community, hosting many local functions and events throughout the year. Holidays, outreach events, family programming, life guidance and Hebrew School are just some of the services available at the Center.
NSJC's Rabbinical staff is available to serve the local community at all times, with classes, education, counseling, and clergical guidance just a phone call away.
Mission and Philosophy
New Springville Jewish Center was created to introduce and welcome Jews to authentic Torah knowledge and lifestyle. Our community is inclusive and non-judgmental, welcoming to any Jew to whom wisdom and Jewish education appeals. Our members include Jews from a kaleidoscope of backgrounds and variegated religious observance, ranging from secular to fully observant.
We do not charge membership, our Hebrew School and classes are always free, and we do not sell honors. The Shul's budget is funded fully by private donations. We will not contact you to solicit donations.
Our tradition and services are conducted strictly in the genuine Torah orthodox tradition. Observances and rabbinical services are provided in full accordance with Torah orthodoxy.
Our philosophy is to aim for 100%. We race for perfection, though we may fall short, rather than settle for success at mediocrity.
Shul History
New Springville Jewish Center was founded in 1982 when Rabbi Nate Segal and a team of 80 families organized to form the area's first orthodox shul. Since then, over a thousand people have joined the Shul, making it an important source of growth in their lives. Many have moved on to larger communities and greater observance.
Our current building was born in humble form, and has been expanded and unpgraded many times. The Shul also assisted the opening of a Sefardic Minyan in the area, Aur Torah. <link>
The New Springville/ Heartland Village area has seen a religious rejuvenation as a result of the presence of the Shul, with numerous shomer shabbos families now living here, a mikva, eruv and other community services available. <link>
New Springville Jewish Center does not charge membership dues.
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The New Springville Sisterhood holds a number of events throughout the year, including the annual brunch, special presentations, and Mishloach Manos. The Sisterhood provides a warm, women-only environment for members to meet, socialize, learn and contribute to the community. A number of key Shul services are overseen by the Sisterhood. For more information, please contact Mrs. Marylin Sprecher, Sisterhood President (contact).
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways you can volunteer in your community! Click here to contact us about volunteer opportunities.
Experience New Springville for yourself! Click here to contact us about coming for a shabbos.