PASSOVER 2019 - Selling Chametz - Laws

The joyous Pesach holidays will soon be upon us, Erev Pesach this year will be Friday evening April 19th, 2019.
On behalf of Rabbi Segal and the Board of Trustees we want to take this opportunity to wish all a very happy, healthy and kosher Passover!!
As in prior years Rabbi Chaim Nate Segal will be in the synagogue for the selling of the chometz at the dates shown below.
Sunday Morning - April 7, 2019…...9:00 am to 9:30 am
Wednesday Evening - April 10, 2019.…7:45 pm to 8:30 pm
Sunday Morning - April 14, 2019…...9:00 am to 9:30 am
Sunday Evening - April 14, 2019…..7:45 pm to 8:30 pm
Monday Evening - April 15, 2019…..7:45 pm to 8:30 pm
Wednesday Evening - April 17, 2019…..7:45 pm to 8:30 pm
In addition to the above dates at the synagogue, Rabbi Segal is available at other times for the sale of Chometz.
Please call: 718-344-0441 to make arrangements.
Please feel free to call Rabbi Segal anytime with questions regarding Passover. He can be reached at : 718-761-7209 or 718-344-0441
Search for Chometz
Thursday Evening April 18th, 2019 at nightfall we search for Chometz
Fast of the Firstborn
The fast is Friday April 19th, 2019
The Siyum will take place after Shacharis which begins at 6:30 am.
Latest time for eating chometz
Friday April 19th, 2019 ... 10:35 am
Latest time for selling , burning & Bittel (nullification) of chometz is
Friday April 19th, 2019 ... 11:40 am